Giving permission...

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Giving Permission

What are you giving permission to in your life?

I recently heard a statement from Rachel Hollis that rang so true in my’s something like "the way that you treat yourself is what you give permission for others around you to do".  I may be off on the wording, but the meaning behind the message is the same. 

My eyes were immediately opened to some truth when I heard this statement! You see, for so many years I was my own WORST CRITIC! I was the first to think I wasn’t good enough and I am certainly guilty for years of negative self talk in relation to my body.

That was, until I began diving into personal development where I realized my TRUTH... that I was created to be exactly who I was down to each and every gift and imperfection. I was put on this Earth for a purpose and it wasn’t to be like everyone else, it was for me to be me! You see, I finally realized I was enough and have been this whole time!

My interpretation of this message is that what we do and say about ourselves is encouraging others, either in a good way or in a bad way.  Do you want to encourage others to see you for your truth and love and the light within or do you want them to see you for your “not enoughs”?(I know, it’s not a real word, but that’s really how I talk)

I realized that each and every time I spoke or thought something negative about myself, I was giving other people permission to do the same. If I couldn’t stand up to my own thoughts, how was I going to handle comments from others? If I thought I wasn’t enough, then I would only believe it more when situations supported that idea. However, the opposite is true. If I believed that I was enough, I began to believe it more!

Isn’t it such a beautiful thing!!! To know that you have control over your thoughts and that you can redirect them to believe exactly what you want them to believe!!!

So since I realized this, I have taken a stand in my life. I decided I wanted to be a person who would be seen as a symbol of love and light… even if the jeans did fit a little tighter today than last week.  I wanted to honor my imperfections and offer myself some grace while I was working toward becoming the person I wanted to become. I would be a person that would allow a friend to talk about her struggles and inadequacies, but would then remind her of her light within and leave her inspired and encouraged!

I will continue to make a stand in my life, for my daughter and the many daughters that will follow. I want to encourage you to do the same.  I WILL NOT tolerate myself or anyone around me to talk bad about themselves.  I am an encourager of self love and want to give you permission to do the same.  Remember, "the way that you treat yourself is what you give permission for others around you to do", so treat yourself with kindness and respect and insist that others do the same to you as well!!!

Take a minute and think about what you are giving permission to in your life?  Is it making a positive or a negative impact? How can you make a small change today that will impact your future self?

If you would like to dig a little deeper into this subject, I would love to offer you a free consultation call! On this call we can work together to identify the things that you are giving permission to and establish some steps to take to help you live the life you are dreaming of!

Leaving you with love,
