Inner Dialogue

If you are anything like me, you have an inner dialogue about just about everything in your day.  In the past I have been known for being an overthinker, overplanner, get the point.  The voices in my head were creating stress and anxiety and I was struggling to say the least.

I have always wanted to strive to be optimistic and encouraging, so why was my inner dialogue rooted around negativity?



It became very clear to me one day when I was listening to a Joyce Meyers podcast.  She mentioned "negative forebodings", which means a feeling of expecting something bad to happen.  She further explained that when we have these thoughts, we are not living the life that God intended us to live.

The thing that caught my attention more than anything was that I could be in charge of these thoughts!  You see, Joyce explains that each and every day she has to remind herself "something good is going to happen to me today".

Our subconscious mind has over 50,000 thoughts that we don't even know about.  If we can fill our subconscious minds with thoughts of positivity, then we can not only say "something good is going to happen to me today", but we will also begin to believe it.

So, take note of your inner dialogue.  Who's voice are you listening to? Is it a voice of hope, grace, encouragement, love, passion, enthusiasm? Or is it a voice of shame, blame, disappointment, disgust, discouragement?

Remember that God provided us with a life to LIVE and LOVE. He is a God of second chances that provides us with grace to learn and evolve into the best version of ourselves.  If your inner dialogue is speaking anything less than that to you, take a minute and see how you can quiet those voices and focus on the filling it with something better!