I am my child's biggest and best advocate.....


If you know what an IEP is, skip to the main message…if you don’t know what an IEP is, continue reading. An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan that is created to support children to have success in the classroom. It is created by a team of people including the parent, teacher, and other professionals that may be of service based on the child’s needs. When a child has an IEP, the team meets every year to update the plan and to make sure the child’s needs are being met. The feedback I get from parents that attend the IEP meeting is that they often feel intimidated and that their opinion is not as important as the other people at the table. As a parent coach and child advocate, I offer the perspective that the parent is an equally important contributor at this meeting and is the child’s biggest and best advocate. Feel free to read before, during and after your meetings….

I am my child’s biggest and best advocate!
— me

I am showing up for my child today as their biggest and best advocate because I know my child best. Yes, the professionals sitting across the table from me are skilled in their practice, and yet so am I. I am my child’s parent. I have been with them since the beginning of their life and know the most important details about how they learn and what is important to them. I am the most consistent person in their life from here on out so it is very important for me to be an active participant in creating this plan. My thoughts and ideas are just as important as the person with several letters behind their name. If there is a moment when I feel unheard, unsupported or unimportant, I know I can take a breath and remind myself that I am my child’s biggest and best advocate and am doing my very best to help them be their very best.

If you are needing help finding your voice in your child’s IEP meeting, feel free to reach out! I’d love to support you in feeling more confident along your parenting journey.

Until next time,

Living in Love,

Kristie Hanke

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