Tips on shifting away from critical self talk


Are you guilty of being your own worst critic and are wanting to change?

I was once in your shoes! I use to be my own worst critic and would honestly talk to myself like a total butthole. I would NEVER talk to someone like I talked to myself, so I don’t know why I thought it was okay to talk to myself that way?

The interesting part was that I had done it for so long that I thought it was “normal” or just “the way I was made”, but neither of those statements were true.

It was simply a habit that I had created and I was ready for a change.

Here are a few strategies that have been helpful for me to shift away from a critical self talk:

  1. Speak from a place of love: when I noticed that I was speaking to myself like a butthole, I would remind myself to put a “love filter” on it. I started small by refusing to use any negative statements about myself. If I wouldn’t say it to others, I certainly wasn’t going to say it to myself.

  2. Offer compassion: when I made a mistake, I would often beat myself up and question myself with a layer of judgement and shame attached to it. I began a practice of compassion and at first it was very difficult, but as I continued to practice, it began to get easier. Turns out, compassion feels better than judgement and I’m much more willing to try new things because I don’t have the loud negative Nancy blaring in my head.

  3. Be aware of the “should’s”: whenever I hear the word “should” I question it to see who is setting the expectation. Usually, it’s a self imposed expectation that can be adjusted in order to create a more enjoyable experience.

I hope these tips are helpful to you on your journey to improving your relationship with yourself! If you have any questions or need support implementing these strategies, feel free to reach out, I’d love to support you.

As always,

Living in Love,


Kristie HankeComment