Seeking true confidence


I have a FABULOUS daily devotion that focuses on women building their confidence through their relationship with Christ. It is written by Joyce Meyer and I have read and re-read it for probably 20 years.

Today’s message caught my attention though. It reads:
”You don’t have to feel confident to be confident” and “I have also learned that I don’t have to feel confident to present myself in a confident manner”.

These statements caught my attention because they sound so similar to the “fake it till you make it” mantra. The words that I have heard so many times in my life. The words that do not encourage me to honor my feelings of inadequacy or inability and rather encourage me to suppress my feelings in order for me to show up in a way that I do not believe to be possible.

I believe that there is a time and a place for pushing through comfort zones and challenging yourself to grow, but when you deny your deeply rooted emotions and beliefs, you are denying your TRUTH. And when you deny your truth, you feel out of integrity and when you are out of integrity, you are going to feel a lack of confidence.

Here’s my suggestion instead. When you notice that there is a lack of confidence, give yourself time to explore it. See it for what it is. Is there validity behind this feeling? What thoughts are behind this lack of confidence? Are these things true or are they just a story that is stuck on replay in your life? Can you visualize or articulate what it would look like to feel confident? Do you know what to do to get there? What’s keeping you from taking steps in that direction?

If any of these questions are leading you to answers like “I don’t know” or “I can’t figure this out”, please reach out to me. The work I do as a coach is to help women see what is getting in their way from their “knowing”.

We work to get you unstuck and on a path toward confidence.

Till next time….

Living in Love,


Kristie HankeComment