Thoughts Are Your SUPERPOWER


Doesn’t everyone have a superpower that they wish were true and how life would be so much better with it? You know, “if i could fly, I would never have to sit in traffic again” or “if I had a magic wand I could clean up this house in a flash”. My kids are big into watching the Flash and Supergirl right now, so their brains are hyperfocused on how life would be so much better if they had a superpower like one of the characters.

It occurred to me yesterday as I was trying to cook dinner, unload the clean dishes from the dishwasher, load the dirty dishes from the day, help my daughter with homework, make sure my son was ready for basketball practice, fix my daughter’s hair for cheer, try to not cough all over the food that I was preparing (still recovering from the flu) and check in on my husband (who is now sick in bed with said flu)….you know, just the usual!!! Anyway, it occurred to me that I do have a superpower!

Through my journey as a life coach I have recognized how powerful our mind is. I have learned how to recognize the automatic thoughts that pop up and often derail me. I have learned how to see these thoughts as simply a thought…recognizing that every thought isn’t in fact true.

In the past I have heard that our brain has over 60,000 thoughts in a day, some of which we don’t even recognize. Some are automatic thoughts that have become a part of who you are because you heard them over and over as a child. What was new to me, was that I can CHOOSE what thoughts I want to give power to. This was HUGE for me!!! Like seriously, I’m pretty sure this simple detail has impacted the way that I show up in life as a mom, wife, friend, sibling and coach.

When I realized that I could switch my thoughts from “I am so busy” to “I spend my time on the things that are important to me”…..I felt this wave of energy serge through me….like a SUPERPOWER!!! You see, the first thought, “I am so busy” was the thought I believed and there was a lot of supporting evidence to make me believe it, but it wasn’t serving me. It was creating feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and stress which would lead to me being short tempered and distracted with my family. Then the guilt would follow because I would then think “you are better than this” and “you’re a bad mom” and “your family doesn’t deserve this”. Does this sound familiar??? It’s mental warfair!!! It’s mentally exhausting and was reeking havoc on my relationships and self confidence!

So when I began to recognize this chain reaction, I put it to the test and started practicing a different thought. Instead of thinking “I am so busy”, I began to intentionally replace it with a thought “I spend my time on the things that are important to me” (sidenote, I BELIEVE this thought as I am also intentional about the things I say yes to in my day). When I practiced this thought I felt in control and excited about my schedule. I felt a wave of confidence roll through me and saw the affects it had on the way I showed up as a mom, wife, friend and coach. I recognized my SUPERPOWER…..and the funny thing was that I had it the whole time!!! Just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz…..she didn’t need those ruby slippers, she needed to go within to recognize her strengths.

I gotta say, recognizing this has been HUGE for me! Yesterday, I was able to practice this thought work with my 11 year old son. He was griping about being the “only one who does anything around the house”….you know, fun pre-teen stuff, right! Well, I took it as an opportunity to bring attention to his thoughts and encouraged him to think a different thought. I suggested that he could choose whatever thought he wanted, but the end result was that he was going to help me with the dishes. I showed him that his current thought of “I have to do the dishes” wasn’t serving him as it was creating the feeling of reluctance which lead to frustration, but if he chose the thought “I love helping my mom” or “I am so glad we have a dishwasher” that he could find a more pleasant feeling to associate with. We practiced this and truth be told, he unloaded the dishwasher and loaded about half the sink without any threats of consequence~small mom victory in my mind!!!

The reason that I want to share this with you is that I KNOW I am not the only one that has this superpower. I believe that every single person has the ability to connect with their thoughts and to choose a thought that will serve them. It’s up to us to have the desire to want to unlock this power and then to lean in to the process of learning how to use it.

I am so grateful that I have been able to learn this and want to help other women learn it for themselves! If this is something that interests you, feel free to contact me for a FREE consultation and I’d be happy to give you a glimpse at what this looks like in your life!

As always, thank you for reading and sharing in this journey with me!!! I hope this message serves you and brings you one step closer to the desires of your heart!

Leaving you in love,
