I need a HERO.....


Ok, if you are not an 80’s kid, you may want to google “I Need a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler! It’s an upbeat, energetic song that paints the picture of a woman holding on for her larger than life hero. She’s waiting for that special someone to be able to rescue her. Great….now I have this song stuck in my head!

I grew up with this mentality…that there were hero’s in our life that would rescue us and provide us with support and protection that we weren’t able to provide ourselves. It wasn’t until I began my journey into personal growth that I was exposed to the concept that WE are our own HERO in our lives. WAIT…..WHAT???? I have watched thousands of movies and listened to countless songs where the hero comes in and saves the day, so now I’m just suppose to believe that I am the hero?

This was VERY difficult for me to see at first, but I continued to hear the message and so I began to test the theory and guess what, I started to believe it! Here are a few examples:

Let’s say a mom has a sick child and she has sought out medical advice, but the child is still sick. She continues to express concern, but they reassure her that everything is “fine” and it will pass, but deep in her gut she just KNOWS something is wrong. She overrides the recommendation to wait it out and she goes for a second opinion just to be told she was right, not only was there something wrong, but it was actually quite serious and required prompt medical attention. You see, that mom was the HERO in this story, she listened to her gut and found the necessary support she knew she needed for her child. It could have easily been seen that the doctor was the hero, but without the mom’s persistence and trust in herself, she would have never sought out the second opinion!

Another example is a woman who is in a relationship and feels unseen and doesn’t feel heard. She continues to stay in the relationship because things aren’t “that bad” and she knows the person she is staying with has a “good heart”, but she feels empty and invisible. She keeps waiting for the other person to notice that she is withdrawing, but that notice never comes, which validates the thought that she was invisible. “They don’t even notice me at all”. She finally sought out support and was encouraged to speak her truth to the other person. She told them that she felt invisible. She told them that she felt empty and unsupported. She spoke with confidence for the first time about all of the feelings she had been having for so long and guess what, the other person listened and was open to working through it with her. She praised the support system for helping her through this challenge, however SHE was the hero!!! She recognized her struggle and sought out help. She could have easily sought out a person who would tell her she was right and validate all of the thoughts she was having, but she was brave enough to seek out a solution.

My point in sharing these stories with you is to provide you with a different thought of who the HERO could be in your life. So many times I hear of people looking externally for that thing or that someone that will make them better and save their life, but what if that something or someone is actually YOU????

If this topic is something that you would like to further discuss, I would love to offer you a FREE consultation. I love discussing topics like this with women, helping them to see how their thoughts about a situation are leading them to their current feelings. I love helping women learn that they are in control of choosing the thoughts that they have, which allows them to create the feelings that they are craving! Feelings of love, connection and support just to name a few.

So, if you are feeling like you are holding out for a hero in your life! I would love to help you see the possibilities of you being your own hero!

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