Marie Kondo your life!!!!!


If you don’t know who Marie Kondo is, I highly recommend looking her up! She is a precious Japanese women who is known for helping people get rid of clutter and bringing order into their life. When I watched the series on Netflix I immediately fell in love with the way she teaches her strategies.

First she sits with the person to find out what areas of their house they want to bring order to and then she asks them what they want it to feel like when they are done. She allows them to take accountability for their current situation, but then offers them an opportunity to move past their shame or judgement and learn how to create the space that they desire.

Here’s her process:

  1. Remove EVERYTHING from the space

  2. Piece by piece decide “does this bring me joy” or “does it serve me”

  3. If it’s a yes, then it stays, if its a no, then it goes

  4. Say thank you to the things that go because they brought you joy at one point in your life

  5. Neatly place the items that stay in a way that shows respect

Since watching this series, I have noticed how simple this philosophy is and have applied it to so many places in my life. Through this process, I started to recognize that I had been keeping things around out of obligation, habit or because I just forgot they were still there. I realized how the things that weren’t bringing me joy where creating a distraction in my life as I wasn’t able to focus on the things that did.

Cleaning out my personal space has been great because now when I look at the space, I am immediately full of joy. But the area that has been the most helpful has been cleaning out my thinking and self talk. When I started to apply this philosophy to my thinking, it became a very powerful tool. I have noticed such a shift in my ability to let go of thoughts that are not serving me. I am noticing that I can forgive things that I have been hanging on to. I am noticing so much more peace and love rather than disgust and frustration.

So my question for you today is, what are you hanging on to that is no longer serving you? Is it something in your closet? Is it something in your diet? Is it something in your thoughts? Is it something in your self talk?

I want you to know that you are fully capable of applying these strategies to your own life, one area at a time, but if you find that you would like some support, please know I am here for you. This is exactly what I love helping women do, find what isn’t serving them and create the life that bring them love and JOY!

I hope you have a fabulous day! If you are wanting something more, but just don’t know what this whole coaching thing is all about, come join me in my eMpowered group of FB where I share inspiration and stories to help you along your personal journey!

In love,


Kristie Hanke1 Comment