Why I became a life coach...


When asked why I became a life coach I often have a flood of emotions come through my body. My answer is simple and complex at the same time. You see, I have always been in a position of helping others….babysitting as a child, retail/customer service, speech therapist, tutor, mentor, coach, etc. So the simple answer is that I have always wanted to help people. But that wasn’t really share the depth of why I decided to transition to a new career at the age of 40.

I remember a time in my life when I lived in fear of my husband leaving me because I thought I wasn’t good enough to keep a good man in my life.

I remember when I would sabotage or gave up on opportunities to further my success because of the risk of “failure”

I remember being paralyzed in fear and doubt when faced with infertility

I remember how it felt to feel like a doormat in a relationship and lose sight of who I was

I remember hating my body so much that I pursued plastic surgery

I remember speaking about hopes and dreams for my family, only for them to be squashed with doubt and disbelief

I remember doing things of out obligation or for the desire to fit in

I remember feeling like life was happening to me instead of for me

I remember when my thoughts about money created stress and frustration and inadequacy

I remember feeling hopeless and that I was going to have to learn how to accept things because “it’s just the way it is”

I remember when life felt hard and heavy

ALL of these reasons are why I do what I do! Because I remember every single one of these feelings and I know there are others that feel the same. I became a life coach so I could share my story and be not only a source of hope and inspiration, but to be able to walk hand in hand with each woman that trusts me to do so. I believe that every single person on this earth has been given the gift of life and that it is intended to be lived in love. Don’t get me wrong, I know there will be hard times, but I also believe that when you have enough goodness in your life, the hard times don’t seem so hard.

I once heard that we are either creating a resume or a legacy in our life and I am definitely focused on leaving a legacy….a legacy that will teach women for generations to come. I want women to feel empowered to take bold action in their life. I want women to feel worthy of the desires of their heart. I want women to believe in themselves even if no one else does. I want women to know they are perfectly imperfect. I want women to seek internal validation rather than external. I want women to know that they are powerful and there is always a choice. I want women to know that their happiness is always in their control and that taking care of themself is never viewed as selfish. I want women to know the impact of limiting beliefs and that it’s possible to manage your mind in any situation.

So that is why I became a life coach….see, I told you it was complex!

Now the question is, how can I help you? What level of support are you needing on your journey? Do you know what you are wanting to change? Do you know how to make the changes? Do you feel confident in your desires? So what’s holding you back?

I would love to offer you a free consultation call. On this call we discuss what you are wanting in your life and ways that they can be achieved. I will offer support and help you create a plan to make your dreams a reality. Feel free to message me or join me in my Facebook group eMpowered where I share inspiration and stories to help you along your personal journey!

In Love,


Kristie Hanke1 Comment