90 Days of Focus

Move into 2019 with momentum (2).png

Well it’s no surprise that 2018 is coming to an end and we are going to be starting the holiday hustle very soon. I mean for goodness sake, there is already Christmas decor out in the stores! It seems like it comes out earlier and earlier every year….anyways, what thoughts come to your mind when you think about the upcoming holidays????

Excited to watch your kids open their gifts?

Eager to spend quality time with your family?

Sentimental when you think about carrying out your holiday traditions?

I think those thoughts too, but then I remember the feelings of overwhelm, stress, and fatigue that go along with the holiday hustle? You know the feeling, right? You get to be the mom that works her normal hours, plus manages the shopping for gifts, wrapping of the gifts, coordinating the family outfits, decorating the house, planning out potluck dishes, making sure all gift exchanges are accounted for, coordinating the timing of all of the events that happen at the same time but are across town from each other. You know, ALL OF THE THINGS!!!

So where in that list are your health goals that you set back in January? You know, the goal to exercise 3-4 times a week? Or the goal to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day? Or maybe the goal of fitting into those skinny jeans? Have you been able to do “all of the things” and still focus on your goals? Have you noticed that during this time of giving, you have forgotten about yourself? Do you have so much extra stuff to do that there “isn’t enough time”? Have you allowed all of the other things to take priority over your health goals?

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup”, right?

Well, what if this year was different? What if this year you implemented simple steps into your day to day routine that allowed your health goals to stay on the priority list? What if you maintained your health while doing all the things and you were able to combat the feelings of overwhelm, stress and fatigue? What if putting yourself back on the priority list improved your life by just 10%? What thoughts would come to your mind then?

I feel confident in my clothes!

I have energy to keep up with all of the extra events!

I am excited to catch up with family and friends!

Sounds incredible doesn’t it!!! That’s what 90 Days of Focus will provide for you!!! During the next 90 days, we will work together to establish goals that you will focus on as well as implement strategies to help you stay committed to these goals during the holiday hustle. I want to help you use the last 90 days of 2018 to generate momentum to go into 2019 with energy and excitement! No more coasting into the new year on fumes, and feeling bloated and exhausted from all of the overdoing it. What if you felt healthy and excited to go into the new year already focused on your goals?

During our time together you can expect to participate in 3 one on one coaching calls to help you identify thought patterns that lead you to your results. We will work together to create strategies to support you during the holidays and keep you focused on achieving your goals. You will also receive weekly check ins to help you track your progress and support you when needed. All of this and the cost is only $90!!! Yep! Only $90 for 90 days of support and accountability!

I would love to partner with you and help you connect with the best version of yourself! I want to help you make strides toward living a life that you LOVE! We were not put on this earth to be “fine”, so let’s work together and go after the desires that you have in your heart!!!

Email me at kristiemhanke@gmail.com for registration or for more details.

Leaving you with love,
