Wheel of Life


I use the Wheel of Life to help me evaluate various categories of my life. It is intended to be individualized to each person’s priorities and is only used to bring awareness and direction rather than judgement and shame. Follow the steps listed below to complete your own Wheel of Life. Contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have along the way.

  1. Identify what categories are important to you (change the categories to meet your needs)

  2. Rank your level of satisfaction in this current moment, for each category (1=least satisfied, 10=most satisfied)

  3. Visualize, what would a 10 feel like in each category? Write it down in detail!

  4. What is the next, best thing you can do right now in order to move toward the feeling of a 10 in each category?

  5. Within each category that you want to improve, complete the evaluation: 

    • What’s working?

    • What’s not working?

    • What do I want to do differently?

  6. What needs to shift in order for you to create your desired outcome?

*Reminder: We are only responsible for our own thoughts and actions. Make sure that your responses above are reflective of what YOU can be responsible for.  Don’t let someone else be responsible for your happiness and satisfaction! 

Living in Love,


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