How coaching is like organizing


If you haven’t watched “Get Organized” on Netflix, I highly recommend checking it out. It’s a series that follows 2 professional organizers as they help transform problem areas for their clients. I LOVED it because I have a deep love for order and predictability in my space, plus they make everything look so pretty and aesthetically pleasing too.

It caught my attention the other day when someone asked me,

“as a coach, do you help women get organized?”

At first, I thought “no way, I do so much more than help someone get organized” but as I explored what I do as a life coach, I was able to see the similarities in coaching and organizing.

In the series, the women follow a 3 part method: Edit, Categorize, Contain in which they create a system that works for their clients to maintain a functional and beautiful space.

As I reflected on what I do for my clients, I can see that there are so many similarities.

I help women:

~ identify what’s working and what’s not working and find ways to EDIT the things that aren’t

~ identify their priorities (CATEGORIZE)

~ learn how to set healthy boundaries in their lives (CONTAIN)

~ in order for them to feel calm and confident in their lives

So I guess I do help women get organized, but in a more non-physical way. I help them sort through their mind clutter more than their physical clutter and in my eyes, both are so very helpful!

Go check out the series “Get Organized” and see if it appeals to you. And if you are interested in exploring how coaching can help you improve your life, feel free to reach out and we can chat to see if it’s a good fit!

As always,

Living in Love,


Kristie HankeComment