The value of deciding


One of the best lessons my life coach ever taught me was to “just decide”.

This may seem so simple and easy, but for me, making decisions seemed hard. I was always waivering in my belief of what was the “right decision”. I would second guess my decisions and change my mind. I would also have doubts that created a lot of worry and anxiety.

I didn’t think it was possible to ever be a confident decision maker. I thought I was just going to be indecisive my whole life. So when my coach said “just decide”, it’s seemed too simple and rather impossible.

Thankfully, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and I tried it. Learning this one simple tool to “just decide” has helped me in every part of my life!

When I was stuck in the land of indecision, I was wasting precious mind energy. It seemed productive at the time because I was weighting out all of the options, but all it did was create an internal tug of war.

I always had an explanation for my indecision….but the reality of it was, I just hadn’t practice making decisions and having my own back.

Since learning this simple yet highly effective tip, I have noticed my decision making is more efficient and far less stressful. I make decisions based on what feels good versus trying to make the “right” decision.

If you are also an indecisive person, one tip I have is for you to do an inventory of decisions that you have to make and start practicing today! Where can you implement the tool “just decide” and then have your own back. Notice how your brain will want to slip into indecision and just remind it, I’ve already decided and it’s ok.

If decision making still seems to be a challenge and you’d like some support, feel free to message me at to set up a free call. I’d love to share ways that I help my clients become masters of their decision making and free up more energy in their brain.

Living in Love,


Kristie HankeComment