Podcast junkie

I clearly remember listening to my first podcast. It was by Joel Osteen and it was almost as if you could feel his excitement and enthusiasm through the speaker. He had an energy that had me coming back for more, so every time I walked the dogs, I popped in my earbuds and listened in.

Over the years, my podcast interest have expanded but it’s still heavily focused in the personal development genre. However, I do love a good laugh from time to time, so thankfully I have Heather McMahan’s “Absolutely Not” podcast to provide a good dose of inappropriate humor when I need it.

On a serious note though, “The Life Coach School” by Brooke Castillo is my absolute favorite podcast. Brooke is a life coach and has dedicated her work to sharing strategies to not only becoming a life coach, but also learning and applying the strategies in the field of coaching. This podcast has been instrumental to my growth and to think that she shares such incredible value for free every week, makes me love her even more!

Another gem is Oprah’s, “Super Soul Conversations”. I’m certain I don’t need to elaborate as we all know the caliber of Oprah’s work, but her conversations are very inspiring and never cease to disappoint me.

A fairly new podcast, but very resourceful is “The Marriage Life Coach Podcast” by Maggie Reyes. I love the simple principles that she shares in her podcast and the work that she lives and shares in order to help couples have a thriving marriage.

On a related topic, my friend Danielle Savory has a podcast called “It’s My Pleasure” where she shares the impact of science and psychology as it impacts women’s ability to experience pleasure in their body. I have had the pleasure of participating in a retreat with Danielle and she is not only brilliant, but she has a beautiful soul that is filled with compassion and love for others.

And last, but not least is a local group of girls Brittany Swan and Shannon Kessler and their podcast is “Crazy Zen Life”. They share how they navigate life on and off their yoga mats. The podcast encompasses topics related to women and supports mindfulness in this “crazy zen life”.

Well, that’s it for now. I do have a few more podcasts I am incorporating into my repertoire, so I’m sure I’ll be updating this list in a few months.

If you have a podcast that you love, feel free to share in eMpowered, I’d love to hear what is inspiring you!

As always,

Living in Love,


Kristie HankeComment