Taking responsibility


I had a realization the other day as I was talking to a friend of my husbands. He said, “you know, your husband really doesn’t know what you do”. At first I was upset. I had the thought, “if he knew what I did, then he could help me more”. I wanted him to be “all in” in my business as much as I was.

And then it hit me….. this isn’t HIS business, this isn’t HIS dream, this isn’t HIS purpose….it is mine.

So I sat with this thought and recalled how many times I had blamed my lack of effort on his lack of interest. How many times I used him as a reason for my lack of success. I wanted someone else to blame so that the disappointment could be shared. It was too painful to be all my fault.

After some self coaching, I was able to identify a thought that created a confident and inspired energy.

“I am the one and only person responsible for my success.”
”I get to continue on my path of transformation and serve my clients from the depths of my heart.”

“I get to create programs and content that will help someone that is needing it.”

“I get to make mistakes and learn along the way.”

“This is my roller coaster, my journey, my transformation.”

I also sat with the thought that my husband has a role in this too. He gets to be the person that asks questions and provides support as he wishes. I will continue to honor his opinion out of respect, but I am also prepared to politely disagree when it comes to something that I think differently than him about.

I am recognizing that in order for me to do something different, I have to be aware of the thoughts that got me where I’m at today. I have to take accountability for my own results. My results are generated from my own thoughts and beliefs for what is possible, so if I’m wanting a new result, I need to only look as far as my own mind for any adjustments that need to be made.

PS…My husband is a lot happier about this way of thinking too!

If you have noticed yourself participating in the blame game and you are interested in making a shift in your life, we should chat! Book a free call today!

Kristie HankeComment