Are you ready to lean in???

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Have you ever felt like there was something more in store for your life, but didn’t know exactly how to find it? A few years ago I would have said “YES! I can relate”!!! I was a wife, a mom to twins and a pediatric speech therapist. If you were to list out all of the blessings in my life, it would be picturesque, however I still felt the need for something “more” in my life???

Initially I struggled with this desire for more because I thought it was a reflection of me being ungrateful for what I had or possibly just being discontent. I sat with this thought for a while and tried to talk myself into just going with the flow and being thankful for what I had. For a few months, I was able to trick myself and others into believing that I was satisfied, however deep down, I wasn’t. I recognized that what I had been doing wasn’t getting me the results that I dreamed of, so I sought out something different, a life coach. At first, I was scared to death as I had no idea what to expect. After our first conversation I was relieved and excited. It was the first time in a while that I felt like my dreams were going to be put to life. She encouraged me to do some soul searching and praying, and through that I was able to see that my desire for more wasn’t coming from a place of discontentment or ungratefulness, it was coming from a place of service. I wanted more out of life because I was made for more. I was made to serve people with my whole heart and soul. I wasn’t made to serve people within parameters. I was tired of trying to fit in a box. It was time for me to step out and take action in my life, just as I would want others to do for themselves! I wanted to know that what I did each and every day left an impact on someone! I wanted my children to see that I could go after something more, with no promise of success. I wanted them to see that we can do things that are scary and that we could take chances and follow our heart. I wanted to know that when I left this world, people would remember me as a person that loved the life she lived and was dedicated to helping others do the same.

If you stopped for a second and thought about what you love about your life…..what would be your answer? Is there anything keeping you from taking action to improve your life? Have you tried to do it on your own but then life got in the way? Have you made strides, but just can’t seem to maintain the results? If so, I would love a chance to support you! You see, if I didn’t have supporters next to me during my journey, I don’t know where I would be. I had people that listened to my dreams, helped me decipher the thoughts and emotions, assisted me in developing an action plan and helped hold me accountable during the process. That is what I want to offer you!!!

What if the work that we do together allowed you to change your life by 10%??? How would that impact the way you show up in your life? What kind of mother would you be? What kind of example would you be setting for your children? How would your impact on the world improve?

Our work together will be spread out over 3 months. We will work hand in hand to determine the areas of your life that you want to improve. Then we will set realistic goals and an action plan to get you there. You will have weekly video conferencing calls with unlimited access to me via email or FB messenger. If this message makes your stomach turn or quiver, then we should talk! I’m a huge believer in the gut response and I can tell you I was absolutely SICK when I took my first leap into working with a coach, but the work we did and the things I have learned along the way mean absolutely everything to me!!! I am a better wife, mother, friend and am so proud of the person I have become during this process. I am forever grateful for the time and resources that my coaches shared with me and pray that I can share the same experiences with you!!!

So what are you waiting for? Book a FREE consultation with me today to see what it would be like to work together! I only have 3 spots available, so book a consultation to guarantee a spot today!!!

Kristie HankeComment