The “F” word

If you are anything like me, the F word that pops into your head is not the same as todays go on and clean things up a little.  Today I am here to share a little about FORGIVENESS!!!! I was prompted by a book called "May cause miracles" by Gabrielle Bernstein. She follows the Guide in Miracles.


Practicing forgiveness may be one of hardest things to do, but one of the easiest things to suggest.  I know as a parent I am encouraging forgivness in our house all the time!!! The thing that I find myself struggling with is when I am asking for forgiveness of myself.  Why am I not able to give myself the same grace and forgiveness that I can quickly give others? Why do I have to hold myself to a different standard?

For me, one of the things that has allowed me to offer forgivness, is when I really came to terms with God's love for me.  When I focus on the fact that my love is not earned with good behavior but it is in fact unconditional, it gives me such peace to know that he can look at me with forgiveness and grace, just like I can look at my children.  It has allowed me to identify with the fact that guilt is not a gift from God and that it is not of his intention. We were not given guilt to prosper, we were given peace.

When I find myself feeling guilty, I often am reverted and guarded with my conversations. I am definitely not an example of the light that is within me.  I find myself responding to people differently and feeling shame about my choices. None of these feelings are leading me to fulfill my lifes purpose of encouraging and inspiring others.

It has taken quite a bit of time and practice and a ton of support from books, podcasts and my spiritual gangsters to realize that I am forgiven as soon as I ask for forgiveness and that I can choose to move from guilt to grace.  When I stand in grace, thats when the real magic happens. I can model what God's love looks like to my children. I can show them that no matter how many mistakes we make, God still loves us. That he will ALWAYS forgive for our sins.

I am so incredibly grateful for God's love and to know that I can practice that here on this earth is such an incredible gift! To know that I can model forgiveness and grace to others instead of guilt and shame.  To know that I can inspire and encourage someone else to live their life to their fullest potential by letting their light shine.

So blessed.